

This shortcode provides a simple wrapper to an Infusionsoft webform such that, when a user is logged in, all fields will be automatically populated with the corresponding user data.

Using the proper parameters, the shortcode also provides a mean of “pulling” data from another contact and automatically populating form fields with the corresponding values.

This shortcode does NOT supports conditional branching with [ELSE_webform].

Shortcode nesting is NOT supported.


cid Specifies the contact ID to use, if data other than from the currently logged in user is desired.
Required: no, defaults to current user.
emailhidden Specifies whether an email input field should be hidden or visible.
Required: no.
Default: visible.
usepostdata Specifies that the contact ID or contact Email used to “pull” the contact data from Infusionsoft will be passed as POST data. Given both POST and GET data, POST has priority.
usegetdata Specifies that the contact ID or contact Email used to “pull” the contact data from Infusionsoft will be passed as GET data.


  Copy and paste your Infusionsoft web form here…
  Input fields will be populated with data from the current, logged in user – or blank values if not logged in…

[i4w_webform cid='1234']
  Copy and paste your Infusionsoft web form here…
  Input fields will be populated with data from the contact specified with "cid".

[i4w_webform usepostdata='yes']
  Copy and paste your Infusionsoft web form here…
  Input fields will be populated with data from the contact speficied in POST fields: "cid", "Id", "ContactId", "Contact0Id" or "inf_field_Id".

[i4w_webform usegetdata='yes']
  Copy and paste your Infusionsoft web form here…
  Input fields will be populated with data from the contact speficied in GET fields: "cid", "Id", "ContactId", "Contact0Id" or "inf_field_Id".


There is no API function equivalent for this shortcode.