

This module provides a mechanism to force a session cache refresh using a “Send Http post to another server” action.

This will cause the next page hit by a subscriber to automatically reload all session data from Infusionsoft.

This module is essentially the Infusionsoft-side version of the [i4w_data_refresh] shortcode.This module can be called through a ‘Send an http post…’ following a web or order form.This module can be called through a ‘Send an http post…’ as part of a trigger process, legacy action set or campaign builder sequence.


i4w_updateuser=abc123 Determine the basic action to be taken.




In all examples provided, ‘abc123’ stand for the first six characters of your Infusionsoft API key. These are used to authenticate the request.

The new “Campaign Builder” HTTP POST do not automatically send the contact record data for processing. Individual value pairs must now be specified. In this case, the required value pair is either of the following:

Id ~Contact.Id~
contactId ~Contact.Id~
ContactId ~Contact.Id~
Contact0Id ~Contact.Id~