This shortcode is a one-click “subscription” order processor designed to perform its assigned tasks with no user interaction.
It can be used as a regular purchase tool as well as an upsell tool. In either case, the only requirement is that users be logged in the membership site and that their credit card information be stored in Infusionsoft.
In every example listed below, the default user information used is from the user currently logged in. All the parameters used in the examples can be mixed.
Please note that in addition to the tag “filters” available within the shortcode, this shortcode may be embedded within other conditional shortcodes, such as [i4w_onlyfor], [i4w_hidefrom], [i4w_ifget], [i4w_ifpost], etc.
You may include this shortcode several times on a page or post. However, only the first instance of the shortcode matching the requirements will actually run. This enables you to set up a single page with different tag-based rules triggering different subscriptions orders.
This shortcode does NOT supports conditional branching with [ELSE_subscription_order].
>Shortcode nesting is NOT supported.
subid | The product ID of the product that should be used as the basis for an order. Required: yes. |
subprice | An override for the product price. Required: no. |
allowduplicate | Specifies whether to allow this purchase if the subscription has already been purchased by “this” user. Required: No, defaults to false. |
allowtax | Allow sales tax to be charged for this subscription. Required: No, defaults to the application default. |
tagid | A single or comma separated list of tag ID’s that a user must possess in order to complete an order. By default, having any tag is considered a “match” unless the “require_all_tags”. Required: No. |
require_all_tags | Modifies the use of the “tagid” parameter from having to match at least one to having to match all tags. Required: No. |
excl_tagid | A single or comma separated list of tag ID’s that a user may not possess in order to complete an order. Required: No. |
merchantid | Allows an alternate merchant ID to be specified. Required: No. |
affid | Specifies the Sale Affiliate who should get credit for this transaction. Required: No. |
daystillcharge | Number of days to wait before charging for the subscription. Required: No, defaults to 0 (charged immediately). |
actionsuccess | The action set ID to be executed upon successful processing of the order. Required: No. |
actionfail | The action set ID to be executed upon failed processing of the order. Required: No. |
urlsuccess | The URL to which to redirect users upon a successful purchase. Required: No, defaults to the site’s home page. |
urlfail | The URL to which to redirect users upon a failed purchase. Required: No, defaults to the site’s home page. |
deletefailed | Specifies whether an “orphaned” (or incomplete) order is allowed to remain in your Infusionsoft application if the order failed. Required: No, defaults to “yes”. |
i4w_subscription_order subid='36'] Attempt to process an order using information from subscription ID 36.
[i4w_subscription_order subid='[i4w_get_subid]'] Attempt to process an order using information from the subscription ID passed as a GET parameter named "subid" in the URL.
i4w_subscription_order subid='36' subprice='9.90'] Attempt to process an order using information from subscription ID 36 EXCEPT for the subscription price, which will be set to 9.90.
[i4w_subscription_order subid='36' subprice='9.90' daystillcharge='30'] Attempt to process an order using information from subscription ID 36 EXCEPT for the subscription price, which will be set to 9.90 and the actual charge will be delayed 30 days.
[i4w_subscription_order subid='[i4w_get_subid]' subprice='[i4w_get_price]'] Attempt to process an order using information from the subscription ID passed as a GET parameter named "subid" in the URL, EXCEPT for the subscription price, which will be set to the value set in by the GET parameter named "price".
[i4w_subscription_order subid='36' tagid='123,234'] Attempt to process an order using information from subscription ID 36 but only if the user has ANY of the given tags, 123 *OR* 234.
[i4w_subscription_order subid='36' tagid='123,234' require_all_tags='yes'] Attempt to process an order using information from subscription ID 36 but only if the user has ALL given tags, 123 *AND* 234.
[i4w_subscription_order subid='36' excl_tagid='345,456'] Attempt to process an order using information from subscription ID 36 but only if the user has DOES NOT have ANY of the given tags, *NEITHER* 345 *NOR* 456.
[i4w_subscription_order subid='36' tagid='123,234' require_all_tags='yes' excl_tagid='456,678'] Attempt to process an order using information from subscription ID 36 but only if the user has BOTH required tags, 123 or 234, but doesn't have ANY of the excluded tags, 456 *OR* 678.
[i4w_subscription_order subid='36' merchantid='5'] Attempt to process an order using information from subscription ID 36 but use merchant ID 5 instead of the default merchant ID.
[i4w_subscription_order subid='36' actionsuccess='17' actionfail='23'] Attempt to process an order using information from subscription ID 36. If the order is processed successfully, run action set # 17. If the process fails, run action set # 23.
[i4w_subscription_order subid='36' urlsuccess='/buyanotherone/' urlfail='/youbroke/'] Attempt to process an order using information from subscription ID 36. If the order is processed successfully, redirect to the /buyanotherone/ page, else redirect to the /youbroke/ page.
[i4w_subscription_order subid='36' deletefailed='yes'] Attempt to process an order using information from subscription ID 36. If the attempt fails, delete the incomplete ("orphaned") order.