

This shortcode enables segmenting content within a page, post, excerpt or text widget based on either a subscriber’s registration date or a date passed to the shortcode.

The content embedded between the shortcode’s begin and ending tags will be displayed if either the subscriber has been registered at least the number of days or weeks specified in the shortcode parameters or, if a date parameter is give, the given number of days or weeks have passed since that date.

[ELSE_showafter] conditional branching is supported.

Shortcode nesting is supported:
[i4w_showafter1] thru [i4w_showafter19]

[ELSE_showafter1] thru [ELSE_showafter19]


days Specifies the minimum number of “membership” days.
Default: none.
Required: yes, if “weeks” is not selected.
weeks Specifies the minimum number of “membership” weeks.
Default: none.
Required: yes, if “days” is not selected.
date Specifies the base date for the time difference calculation.
Default: user’s registration date.
Required: no.


[i4w_showafter days='7']
  Display if the subscriber has been a member at least 7 days
  Sorry, you must have been a member for at least 7 days to view this content.

[i4w_showafter weeks='2']
  Display if the subscriber has been a member at least 2 weeks
  Sorry, you must have been a member for at least 2 weeks to view this content.

[i4w_showafter date='2012-01-01' weeks='2']
  Sorry, it’s too late now…
  Great… You’re just in time!


The parameters “days” and “weeks” are mutually exclusive. Only one can be used. If both are used, “days” will have priority.

This shortcode works independently of the “Gradual Content Release” settings in the “Plugin Options” panel. You may segment parts of a page or post even if you have not activated “Gradual Content Release”.


There is no API function equivalent for this shortcode.