This shortcode is used to retrieve the value held in a server-side session variable. The session variable will have to have been previously set either programmatically through your own script or through the [i4w_session_set] shortcode.
This shortcode does NOT supports conditional branching with [ELSE_session_Name].
Shortcode nesting is NOT supported.
Name | The variable name that you wish to display in place of the shortocde. Default: none. Required: yes. |
index | If the variable is an array, indicate the array index to retrieve. For additional depth, separate additional keys with the pipe symbol (“|”). For example: if the desired array element is $_SESSION[‘Name’][‘customer’][‘FirstName’], you would specify [i4w_session_Name index=’customer|FirstName’]. Default: none. Required: no. |
default | Defines the value to return is the variable is not present. Default: none. Required: no. |
[i4w_session_ContactEmail] Returns the $_SESSION variable named "ContactEmail".
[i4w_session_Cart index='date'] Returns the $_SESSION variable named "Cart[date]".
[i4w_session_Cart index='customer|name'] Returns the $_SESSION variable named "Cart[customer][name]".
[i4w_session_Cart index='customer|email'] Returns the $_SESSION variable named "Cart[customer][email]".
There is no API function equivalent for this shortcode.