This shortcode is designed to automatically pull the subscriber’s latest credit card from Infusionsoft and build an HTML form with that data. When submitted, the modified information is then updated in Infusionsoft.
By using the “addcardifnone” parameter, this “update” shortcode can automatically convert to an “add” shortcode if there is no credit card on file for a particular subscriber.
By default, a checkbox is provided through which the user can specify that the card added/modified should be used as the default credit card for his/her account.
This shortcode does NOT supports conditional branching with [ELSE_ccard_update].
tagid | Defines one or more to assign upon successfully updating a credit card. Default: none. Required: no. |
goal | Defines the name of a Campaign Builder goal to apply to the contact upon successfully updating a credit card. Default: none. Required: no. |
ccLIST | Specifies the credit cards that should appear in the CardType pulldown selector. Default: ‘Visa,MasterCard,American Express’. Required: no. |
SuccessMessage | Defines an alternative to the standard success message. Default: Your credit card information was successfully added. Thank you!. Required: no. |
ErrorMessage | Defines an alternative to the standard error message. Default: Sorry but your credit card information could not be updated. Please try again later or contact the site’s support staff. Required: no. |
req_CVC | Defines whether a CVC input field should be displayed and an entry required to process the form. Please note that this value is not stored in the Infusionsoft database on a permanent basis. Use 1 to require it, 0 (or omit) otherwise. Default: 0. Required: no. |
addCardIfNone | Automatically converts the “update” shortcode to “add” more if there is no credit card on file for a particular subscriber. Use 1 to activate the option, 0 (or omit) otherwise. Default: 0. Required: no. |
forcedefault | Hides the checkbox option and automatically makes the card just added/modified the default credit card for the contact’s account. Specify a 1 to force this action. Default: 0. Required: no. |
NoCardMessage | Defines a message to display if no credit card is on file for a particular user. Default: You have no credit cards on file to update. Please add one. Required: no. |
The following parameter can also be used to specify alternate labels for the respective input fields:
Parameter | Default |
CardNumber | Card Number |
CardType | Card Type |
SaveText | Save Changes |
NameOnCard | Name On Card |
BillAddress1 | Street Address 1 |
BillAddress2 | Street Address 2 |
BillCity | City |
BillState | State |
BillZip | Postal Code |
BillCountry | Country |
PhoneNumber | Phone Number |
ExpirationMonth | Expiration Month |
ExpirationYear | Expiration Year |
makedefault | Make this the default card |
[i4w_ccard_update tagid='123,345']
[i4w_ccard_update goal='cardupdated']
[i4w_ccard_update ccLIST='Visa,MasterCard,American Express']
[i4w_ccard_update addCardIfNone=1 ccLIST='Visa,MasterCard,American Express']
[i4w_ccard_update req_CVC ccLIST='Visa,MasterCard,American Express']
[i4w_ccard_update forcedefault='1' req_CVC ccLIST='Visa,MasterCard,American Express']