

This shortcode will automatically retrieve a registered gravatar from www.gravatar.com and display it.

If a user is not logged in or hasn’t registered her/his gravatar, the default avatar specified in your WordPress settings is displayed instead.

This shortcode does NOT supports conditional branching with [ELSE_avatar].

Shortcode nesting is NOT supported.


email An alternate email address can be specified.
Default: The logged in user’s email address will be used.
Required: no.
size The desired height and width for the displayed avatar. The default size is defined in the “Plugin Options” panel.
Default: none/set in Plugin Options.
Required: no.
suppress_empty Specifies whether to display a placebo avatar when the user hasn’t registered an image at gravatar.com
Default: no.
Required: no.



[i4w_avatar size=96]

[i4w_avatar email=’joseph.manna@infusionsoft.com’ size=96]

[i4w_avatar suppress_empty=’yes’]


To use this shortcode in your own PHP code, please use as follows:

96 ) ):

echo i4w_avatar( array( 'email'=>'joseph.manna@infusionsoft.com', 'size'=>96 ) ):

echo i4w_avatar( array( 'suppress_empty'=>'yes') );