The Elementor plugin must have previously been installed and activated on your site in order to be able to activate the iMember360 Elementor extension.
How to activate the Elementor extension is detailed here:
Configuration & Settings
There are separate iMember360 settings for Elementor Widgets/Sections and Elementor Popups, however they both work in a similar way.
Obviously Elementor Popups themselves use Elementor Widgets/Sections.
In order to configure the display settings for any Elementor Widget/Section follow the steps explained here:
- Set Elementor Widget/Section To Display Based Upon An iMember360 Conditional
- Set Elementor Widget/Section to Display Always or Never or Based Upon User Login Status
- Set Elementor Widget/Section Display Based Upon Infusionsoft Contact Tag/Tags
- Set Elementor Widget/Section Display Based Upon Infusionsoft Contact Field Value
- Set Elementor Widget/Section Display Based Upon Conditional PHP Statement
Some examples of settings for Elementor Elements/Sections are provided here:
In order to configure the iMember360 display rules for any Elementor Popups follow the steps explained here:
- Set Elementor Popup To Display Based Upon An iMember360 Conditional
- Set Elementor Popup to Display Always or Never or Based Upon User Login Status
- Set Elementor Popup Display Based Upon Infusionsoft Contact Having Tags
- Set Elementor Popup Display Based Upon Infusionsoft Contact Not Having Tags
- Set Elementor Popup Display Based Upon Infusionsoft Contact Field Value
Some examples of rules for Elementor Popups are provided here: